Machbar Training Podcast

Machbar Training Podcast

Golf and Strength Training | Interview with Craig Hanson Golf Instructor talking about Strength Training and Golf | *EN*

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Topics in the podcast with Craig

  • Tell me briefly about yourself Craig, who are you and where are you from?
  • Why golf? How did you get started, what is it about golf that captivates you so much?
  • What was your greatest moment as a coach and what as a player?
  • Let's start with something interesting for our golfers, what 3 tips would you give someone who wants to improve their game in general?
  • We both coach an female athlete together, you in golf I in strength and conditioning. Please tell me again your opinion if and why strength training is important and why a separate coach is useful.
  • Do you often see problems in someone who plays golf where you think by doing more strength training they would be able to execute that better, etc.?
  • Does it make sense to start golf at a later age? If so, what would be the right way to start?
  • Do you differ between male and female when training in golf? So from the training stance, the focus and other conditions?
  • You are very active on YouTube and also in online business in general, what exactly can one find on your YouTube channel?
  • What can you find in your online course "World Class Golf Instruction?
  • Where can people find and contact you??

Connect yourself with Craig:

Wenn du Unterstützung suchst helfe ich Dir gerne per Online / Remote Coaching mit Trainingsbegleitung und individuellem Trainingsprogramm:

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Über diesen Podcast

Der Machbar Training Podcast mit Simon Beuttler.
Funktionelles Training, CrossFit, sportpezifisches Training und Themen die dazu gehören.
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